Hi folks,
I'm Mo from Stuttgart. I like startups, cycling, fitness, travelling, reading and gadgets.
I have been active in many different areas: B2C app, web & app development on behalf of clients, IoT. Currently I am very intensively involved in the development of various consumer brands. I am also active as a business angel, if you are interested for your business please contact me.
As a former german champion in cycling in junior class I definitely need to work out regularly to achieve a healthy balance.
I regularly host lectures about entrepreneurship and technology at universities.
If you have questions, suggestions, criticism or just want to have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine or you want to work out with me please do not hesitate to contact me.
Current Stuff
Blog Overview
- What a year 2020 – What will come 2021?
- Thankfully continuity pays off – my personal résumé after one year of blogging
- Why it is important that you take off regularly some time to recover and get new spirit
- Does a startup need written down workflows or is it viable to do everything freestyle without any statutes?
- If you can dream it, you can do it
Hobbies & Skills
objective-c · swift · javascript · java
german champion in madison · multiple medal winner at german championships · ~10 years competitive sport
vmax 133.9 km/h
2 reps 140kg bench press · 1 rep 200kg deadlift · 6 reps 120kg squats
(cross) skating · wakeboard · soccer · biking · hiking · squash
North and South America · Asia · Europe